Thursday, May 29, 2008


About four and a half years ago my life was changed, never to be the same again. It was a brisk spring day, out in the lovly city of Calgary. At this time I was just 14 and living with my mother and step-father. Everything was just wonderful, rugby was in full swing and school was going spectactulary, extrodinary grades and one of the most popular students in the entire school. But my world was shaken like a little kid with a bee in a glass. My best friend grew tired of trying to be and optimest and "tripped" off a train station and was wiped off the face of the earth. I was mortified when I awoke in the morning and saw his face on the news I stopped breathing. I wasn't sure how I could carry on without my best friend, but somehow I managed to get by those first 2 weeks without incident. It was not easy to do, as both us where captians of our rugby team, we got inebreated every weekend and his house was my "summer" place. The thing that really pushed me into the subverse side of humanity was the day of his funeral. I had to leave after only 20 minuets into the eulogy, because the 5 years of memories came flooding back, and I then relized he was not coming back. So in my distraought state of mind I made the razor blade interupt the gentile motion of my arteries, I was found passed outside the church. In the hospital my recently descesed friends mom gave me the most inspirtational advice I had ever heard and had adhered to it every day since. She had told me that I was a f***ing idoit, that I should not waste my life because something unfortunate happend. She had said that yes, she had lost a son and she doesnt want to lose another. And after that she told me to look outside and said see the clouds? They are all black and full of sorrow but in behind them the sun is still there. No matter what happens outside, the sun is always there. Since that misfourtunate event I have always rememberd the sun is always there.