Thursday, May 29, 2008


About four and a half years ago my life was changed, never to be the same again. It was a brisk spring day, out in the lovly city of Calgary. At this time I was just 14 and living with my mother and step-father. Everything was just wonderful, rugby was in full swing and school was going spectactulary, extrodinary grades and one of the most popular students in the entire school. But my world was shaken like a little kid with a bee in a glass. My best friend grew tired of trying to be and optimest and "tripped" off a train station and was wiped off the face of the earth. I was mortified when I awoke in the morning and saw his face on the news I stopped breathing. I wasn't sure how I could carry on without my best friend, but somehow I managed to get by those first 2 weeks without incident. It was not easy to do, as both us where captians of our rugby team, we got inebreated every weekend and his house was my "summer" place. The thing that really pushed me into the subverse side of humanity was the day of his funeral. I had to leave after only 20 minuets into the eulogy, because the 5 years of memories came flooding back, and I then relized he was not coming back. So in my distraought state of mind I made the razor blade interupt the gentile motion of my arteries, I was found passed outside the church. In the hospital my recently descesed friends mom gave me the most inspirtational advice I had ever heard and had adhered to it every day since. She had told me that I was a f***ing idoit, that I should not waste my life because something unfortunate happend. She had said that yes, she had lost a son and she doesnt want to lose another. And after that she told me to look outside and said see the clouds? They are all black and full of sorrow but in behind them the sun is still there. No matter what happens outside, the sun is always there. Since that misfourtunate event I have always rememberd the sun is always there.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Kite Runner Entry 1. *****SPOILER WARNING*****

"There is a way to be good again."
What a monumental way to bring about change in a guilt filled past. When Rahim Khan gave Amir some news about his health and that he needed to see Amir he gave Amir some sound advice, there is a way to be good again. That was referring to Amir's troubled past live growing up in Afghanistan. But you dint have to witness the rape of your true brother and best friend to make that comment mean the world to you.

I know when i was growing up there are a lot of things I've done that I'm not entirely proud of, but when looking back on your actions you realize what a horrible atrocity occurred (relative to your life of course), and you want to right your wrongs, or be good again. When I was little I used to live with both parents and life was good, but then when they split up it tore my life apart. I didn't know who I wanted to live with. To make matters worse both of my parents were applying themselves to make me want to live with them. In the end I ended up living with my mother, but I know it crushed my father to learn that I would rather be with my mom then with him. That fact had always deeply troubled me. I tried to be the best son I could possibly be, and make my dad proud every day. Eventually I became a football star only because I knew he was into sports, but unfortunately the sport my father loved was hockey so I never got much praise for my abilities. I also tired to do excel in school but eventually couldn't with football getting in the way, but I did the best I could do. But I was always feeling horrendous guilt toward my father for choosing not to live with him. It didn't help at all that I would tear my mom's heart open if I choose to go live with him after getting so close with her. But finally I had a chance to live with my father when my sister was born. Like with Amir finding out Hassen was his brother and Sohrab his nephew. He did everything he could do to make that little boy happy, even went as far as adopting his nephew and bringing him back to America. My sister's birth was my Sohrab. I was finally able to live with my dad and used the excuse that he needed help because he was still paying a huge sum of money in the form of child support for me when he couldn't afford to do that now with our little princess. So I was finally able to rid me of my guilty conscience and have now lived with my dad for a year and a half. I still am on wonderful relations with my mother and I couldn't be happier. I defiantly took my chance to be good again.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Skin is in.

When someone thinks of country they think of tinny guitars and unintresting subject matter. I strongly disagree with the popular opinion of country music. There are a few songs with touching and personal connections that many people enjoy. Such Songs are Whisky Lullaby by Brad Paisley and Skin by Rascall Flats. But the song that has a deep emotional meaning to me is Skin by Rascall Flat. I am a person who does not cry very easly but after listening to it for the first time I had tears streaming down my face. Skin is an emotional song based on a 17 year old girl named Sara Beth who found out she had cancer. Then after going through the treatment process and she loses all her hair she figures that no one would take her to her prom. But in the finale verse her date comes to pick her up and he shaved all his hair just so she wouldnt stick out in the crowd. Skin is a very well written and touching song and as I said it brought me too tears. I bieleve that people who hate country music should listen to this song and others like it then still tell me that they hate country music.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The inderfernce peril.

The problem of not caring is a substantisal one that is destroying our society and creating a riff between our soceity and those societies who have the genicides and turmoil being done agaisnt them. As Elie Wiesel had said in his speech that the biggest emotional pain one could recieve from God and even Humanity is the not the pain of anger but of neglect. I was unaware that the pentagon and even F.D. Roosevelt knew of the atrocities happing to the jewish people yet did nothing to bring it to the mind of the other leaders. I think that set of indefernce is kjust disgusting. Or like in the story the lottery the people of the story are just so placid even when stoning to death of a fellow person in the comunity.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The one flaw,TO RULE THEM ALL

I believe that flaws are absolutely necessary for any person to find their perfect mate. Because you find someone with flaws and you do truly love them, you will love their flaws, therefore making the flaw dissipate. With the utmost love you have for a person and their flaws you make them truly beautiful in your eyes, and that is all that matters. You should never let anyone make judgements for you. I have always been myself, regardless of what people say or think about me. And I think that it all started from being abused and pick on throughout my life by my older brothers and by the bullies until i was in grade 6. Then I let my friends tell me what to do or how to act and i finally grew sick of it. So when choosing a significant other. Make sure their perfect in your eyes because your eyes are the only one he/she will want to look into.

Is ignorance really bliss?

I don't think that it is actually ignorance that makes people bliss-full. It does help, don't get me wrong, but its not the most important factor in most peoples lives. I believe the most important factor for blissful living is just a lot of apathy towards the problems of developing Nations of the world. Because we as a society have been told of their plight but yet we don't care. There is the odd group of dedicated souls that give all their time to help the greater good to help this deserving people but that's only a handful of people. the rest of just don't care if nothing gets done or if there's those dedicated souls doing hours and hours of fundraising and everything else just to make those poor, orphaned kids a small school or group home. But the main problem I have is with the "medical" care we are giving these countries. We are giving them EXPIRED drugs, and even the drugs that we have that fight HIV we don't give them the right to use it because their is a patent on it, and the doctor who developed it wants to make a quick buck on needs of other people. I do not think that our society is ignorant I believe we do not care.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Music is the key.

Everyone wants super powers. But quite a few of those people want the basic super powers, like invisiblity, the power of flight, telaportation and other common powers. But I would like to be eccentric and unique. I would enjoy the power of absolute musicality. This power, in my opinion, would be the ultimate party and professional ability. The reasoning for request of this super human ability is because I love every single type of music. It doesn not matter what type of music, whether it would be country, baraouqe or progressice metal. Music is the number one mode of full-filment in any body's life. It has emotional meaning that no other media outlet can match and just to have the ability to bring that type of relif or enjoyment to others would be the best power one could ask for. But to bring this meaningfull power to the lives of everyday mortals I would make a unvisersal radio station that would feature and differnt genre and artist every 5 minutes. Also, I would hold private and public concerts and I would'nt ask for any sort of payments. Even in the devolping nations and third world countries I would perform their national type of music, to give them hope and strength to contine on trying to save their nation.