Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Is ignorance really bliss?

I don't think that it is actually ignorance that makes people bliss-full. It does help, don't get me wrong, but its not the most important factor in most peoples lives. I believe the most important factor for blissful living is just a lot of apathy towards the problems of developing Nations of the world. Because we as a society have been told of their plight but yet we don't care. There is the odd group of dedicated souls that give all their time to help the greater good to help this deserving people but that's only a handful of people. the rest of just don't care if nothing gets done or if there's those dedicated souls doing hours and hours of fundraising and everything else just to make those poor, orphaned kids a small school or group home. But the main problem I have is with the "medical" care we are giving these countries. We are giving them EXPIRED drugs, and even the drugs that we have that fight HIV we don't give them the right to use it because their is a patent on it, and the doctor who developed it wants to make a quick buck on needs of other people. I do not think that our society is ignorant I believe we do not care.

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